The PJ-Hart Student Scholar Award is named in honor of Dr. Aubrey Fine’s dedicated therapy dogs. PJ and Hart played a significant role in supporting children through the therapeutic process and helping them address psychosocial challenges. This award recognizes a student for their commitment to scholarship in human-animal interaction and animal-assisted intervention.
Amount: $500 USD
Frequency: The PJ-Hart Student Scholar Award will be awarded to 4 different students enrolled for the 2025/26 through 2028/29 academic years (1 student will be awarded per year).
Guidelines for Nominations: Self-nomination or nomination by another ISAZ member is welcomed.
To be eligible for the PJ-Hart Student Scholar Award, individuals:
- Must be undergrad students through postdoc
- Must be full or part time
- Need proof of enrollment in college or university
- May represent any country
- Are required to be a member of ISAZ
Nominations must include:
A cover letter (up to two pages double-spaced) which includes a:
- Statement of intent to enter the field (or some form of anthrozoological research)
- Statement of contribution to the field
- Experience and background in the field of human-animal interaction
- Short summary of employment or class experience
- Future career directions
Suggested materials to include:
- Author (not necessarily lead author) on a paper (provide link)
- Presentation/outreach efforts
- Documentation of participation in research project involving HAI or AAI
- Letter from supervisor (not included page count limit)
Proof of registration in an academic program for award year will be required prior to release of funds.
Winners are only eligible to win this award once.
Award will be announced at the annual conference, but conference attendance is not required.
Please direct questions to